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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Press releases with a filing fee and one more way Trump to take money from his moronic cult.
  2. Puerto Rico is just not a state. It's a US Territory already. I don't know what you're even fucking talking about.
  3. FTFY There's also no evidence. These lawsuits are just press releases with a filing fee.
  4. Who gives a shit what Trump says? Democracy will prevail.
  5. I think you mean THE Count from Seasame Street who earned his counting degree on the streets.
  6. It's a side gig that you do when you're not on your main job during the evenings or weekends. We do exclusively mail-in voting in Washington state. This whole batch being added intermittently is how our elections have always been.
  7. There's observers there and it's very secure. I don't know why you seem to be questioning the process unless you're drinking that conservative propaganda.
  8. You put in a resume and get an interview like any other position. You get paid maybe $15/hr if you're lucky.
  9. It's a shitty job that the county has temp positions. You get paid for it, but you volunteer. I've done it before. It's just a bunch of administrative work.
  10. Surely the cops should step in and do something? We need law and order right @Twinblade
  11. Fox News has been the most aggressive with their forecasting and now has Biden only 6 EC votes away from the presidency.
  12. Flipping Georgia and Pennsylvania would just be icing on the cake
  13. If Biden takes AZ and NV, it won't matter what the eastern states do.
  14. That's already been proven to be false and the Trump lawyers won't even release what grounds and argument they're filing a suit on.
  15. How are Democrats being shady? By having all the votes be counted. The absolute lunacy of them.
  16. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-seeks-voting-stop-25762f69b27dfbccc4fd8077fb5fdc91 "The campaign didn’t immediately make public a copy of the lawsuit and it wasn’t clear what in areas they argue they were denied access. Poll watchers from both sides were plentiful Wednesday at one major polling place in question — Detroit’s TCF Center, The Associated Press observed. They checked in at a table near the entrance to the convention center’s Hall E and strolled among the tables where ballot processing was taking place. In some cases, they arrived en masse and huddled togeth
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