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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Worst console of all-time until Series X releases then it takes the crown.
  2. Ok got it. You're not excited for any NEW games for Series X because there aren't any. Conversation closed.
  3. The rules are in place. As long as the ballot is postmarked by election it should be counted. The only one trying to change and the game the system is Trump. He already said he wants to go in with his attorneys. Please go to Russia or some other country if you don't like democracy.
  4. Xbox Series X sucks and you're just bitching that people rag on it. Snowflake.
  5. Where did you answer? What new Series X game are you looking forward to at launch? Keep evading my question and ranting about non-related shit.
  6. Can't answer my simple questions about which NEW Series X game you're excited to play? Everyone always making fun of the worst console launch ever hurt you?
  7. Talking about Xbox in an Xbox thread. Slow johnny being dumb again. Which NEW Xbox Series X title are you looking forward to playing on launch day?
  8. But teh Switch. Xbox sucks and you have no way to defend other than by bringing up other consoles. WORST LINEUP OF ALL TIME
  9. Lems only have old game enhancements to hype because Series X has the WORST launch line-up in the history of gaming.
  10. Nice topic change, why do you hate democracy and not want every vote counted?
  11. He's a complete dick and I love him so much.
  12. He's hoping since all the in-person votes get counted first, he can say the mail-in is all corrupt or something. Little baby can't play on equal footing because he know he's done.
  13. Also, this track is absolutely perfect for the setting.
  14. Talking about support =/= liking the game or say anything about the quality of said game. Try again. Also the thread as aged perfectly with lemshits talking about Cuphead.
  15. Yeah, like if a president used the office to enrich himself over his term. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05/taxpayers-have-paid-the-trump-organization-nearly-1-million-dollars-for-hotel-rooms
  16. We have 18 players on IR though.
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