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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Fox News isn't news by the way. They argued in court that any reasonable person would assume that the facts presented weren't true.
  2. I don't trust AMDs Ray Tracing capabilities. Playing CP77 without RT on.
  3. https://oversight.house.gov/news/press-releases/new-documents-show-administration-officials-tried-to-use-250-million-ad-campaign
  4. Sony should buy Bluepoint and Silent Hill license
  5. Scummy tactics are all the GOP has right now. Mr. I Like Beer on the SC just said as much when they're trying to not count every vote.
  6. So you have no right to complain or critique any government/policy issues for the next 4 years.
  7. Did you not see the mini-direct yesterday? They have Control running on Switch with RTX on before they do Xbox.
  8. Now, make sure you get all your family to do the same there in Texas please.
  9. Here's an analogy, you can write and publish your own story about whatever you like. You can submit that story if you want to the NY Times or Washington Post. If they don't publish it, is that then in violation of freedom of speech and freedom of the press?
  10. The public, just like any other media one consumes. It's up the person who reads it to decide to accept it or not. They can leave the platform or get vocal if they believe it's being misused. I think most times they've done it have been fair to use it. I also think the crackdown on conspiracy theories like Qanon BS is a good thing. I don't use any social media so it doesn't affect me though. lol
  11. When it's a danger to public health like Trump's untrue claims on COVID or just plain wrong like Trump's implication that mail-in voting is fradulent are mostly when it has been done.
  12. "When I use the word 'censor' here, I'm meaning blocked content, fact-check, or labeled content, or demonetized websites of conservative, Republican, or pro-life individuals or groups or companies," Lee said. https://www.businessinsider.com/republican-sen-mike-lee-said-fact-checking-form-of-censorship-2020-10
  13. The looting, violence, and theft has always been condemned since the Floyd protests started. Remember when the Atlanta mayor went on TV and told people to stop attacking the CNN building? Do you remember Floyd's family telling the protesters to not get violent? This thread is stupid.
  14. I’m gonna leave it open just so we can keep laughing at this. There was no October surprise and Tucker Carlson is not a journalist nor does he present facts. In fact, he argued in court that his show shouldn’t be taken literally: https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye What an abject failure this whole thing turned out to be.
  15. Yeah, those suburbs out in CT must be a hot bed of crime for sure. It's just a bunch of rich white kids who steal their parents meds.
  16. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/22/ivankas-trademark-requests-were-fast-tracked-in-china-after-trump-was-elected/#64f9647e1d60 Whatboutism is the right's favorite tactic right?
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