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Everything posted by Ike

  1. https://www.npr.org/2020/10/21/926031426/parents-of-545-children-separated-at-u-s-mexico-border-still-cant-be-found This is over 2 years since they were ordered to be reunited too.
  2. Yes, but you don't get taxed that huge rate on all of your $400k. It's only on every dollar made after $400k that gets taxed at the higher rate.
  3. Oh and this guy was one of 3 clients represented by Michael Cohen. Trump and Sean Hannity are the other two.
  4. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/legal-issues/elliott-broidy-plea/2020/10/20/c41ae12c-125a-11eb-ad6f-36c93e6e94fb_story.html Major Republican Party and Trump donor Elliott Broidy is set to plead guilty Tuesday to acting as an unregistered foreign agent for Malaysian and Chinese interests, accepting millions of dollars to secretly lobby the Trump administration. Broidy, 64, was charged on Oct. 6 on one felony federal count of conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Prosecutors accuse him of secretly arranging to be paid a bounty of more than $80 mi
  5. There's been more Yakuza games than Mario titles in the last decade it feels like.
  6. He’s attacking Fauci now for Christ’s sake and saying he’ll leave the country if he loses. He’s a preemptive sore loser.
  7. Made it to co-op level in Genshin. Having fun playing it with my gf. She's way higher than me but much better at the character building and crafting and stuff. It's a lot of fun to play and haven't really hit a paywall at all. The music and art style are both amazing. I'm playing on PS4 Pro and she's playing on PC. Either version looks great, but the performance could be optimized a bit with crazy pop-in at some points. Also, the load times on PS4 are long. I think this will keep me occupied for a good while until CP77 in a month.
  8. Series X and Series S are both new. Xbox One X is the old model. They're fucking moronic with their naming ever since 360.
  9. OK....you're just a failed millionaire aren't you? You've been drinking the Republican kool-aid of how anyone can join the super rich if they just work and try hard enough.
  10. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/opinion/todaysdebate/2020/10/20/elect-joe-biden-reject-donald-trump-editorials-debates/5919435002/ Trump has the KKK and Proud Boys.
  11. Ghostz you make more than $400k in salary per year? This is just another rich guy complaining he has to pay more taxes. I feel so bad for him.
  12. Bethesda's been making the same game since Morrowind It'll be perfect for hobopass. Fallout 76 is about the quality of the titles I expect coming from them.
  13. The North Pole episode is one of my favorites. Been watching these guys for over a decade. Apparently, Amazon has been sitting on a new Madagascar special for Grand Tour for some time and won't released it yet for whatever reason.
  14. Punk ass losers starting fights.
  15. Nothing brings America together more than watching the ineptitude of the Cowboys.
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