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Everything posted by Ike

  1. http://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2020/images/10/06/rel12b.-.2020.pdf 16% Biden lead now
  2. https://www.thedailybeast.com/rudy-giuliani-coughs-through-attack-on-bidens-mask-advocacy Rudy don’t look and sound too good.
  3. For real though, peace through strength was a goddamn line from that propaganda show in V for Vendetta.
  4. This is the equivalent of a rabbit taking advice from a fox.
  5. Good, I hope the modern GOP part ceases to exist in other decade too.
  6. My gf is playing it and people on discord have said it's pretty good. She said combat is like a slow version of FF12. I want to mostly try the co-op.
  7. God this game will murder the sheep until they get a downgraded port 4 years after release.
  8. Anyone tried it out? I've heard lots of good things.
  9. I've just been gone on a trip or I'd be playing it. Going to try some tonight.
  10. Yup, trash (Bethesda) definitely belongs in the garbage (MS).
  11. Play FFIX, it’s the better PS1 FF game. Or just play FFVI, and play the best game in the series.
  12. Been with family but Lakers winning the championship. Niners should be fine. Rams and Falcons choked. I feel gross for wanting the Cowboys to win.
  13. Report me to the mods then. Go Lakers!
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