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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I don't have a single one of those (insta, twitter, or FB). It's definitely helped my mental health and I'm not just mindlessly scrolling on my phone and shit.
  2. It's 3rd leading cause of death for 2020 in the USA behind only heart disease and cancer.
  3. Isn't this a remaster of a mobile game?
  4. Won't get a PS5 until slim model and price cut. Won't buy Xbox, as I can play all that on my PC. My gf will be getting a 3070 and be set.
  5. "PC Beggars" in OP but username is orange and is JONBpc
  6. I do as well. I think the dual worlds aspect will be cool. I'm also digging the story and direction of the game.
  7. Stop bumping old threads and especially political ones.
  8. Snapchat is alright. It's nowhere near as toxic as say FB, Twitter, or IG especially if you just do it with family and friends.
  9. There’s an anime character filter on Snapchat lmao
  10. I think Nintendo owns the rights to that one.
  11. Konami is the worst developer in the industry at the moment. Such a sad decline from PS1/PS2 days.
  12. Ok, Lakers just need to wear the black jerseys for the rest of the playoffs.
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