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Everything posted by Ike

  1. 49ers signed Mohammed Sanu. That’s a no brainer signing. He know Shanny’s offense and the Niners WRs are so thin right now. We should honestly look at signing others to a one year deal.
  2. Murray is destroying them in the paint. The Clippers defense does jack when a Nuggets player goes hard to the rim. Jokic hasn’t even really gone off yet either. This game still a toss up.
  3. That’s why I was asking. I haven’t watched it yet. Just wanted your opinion. I’ll be watching it tomorrow.
  4. One of my favorite comments I’ve seen about this is that It’s Always Sunny was able to make the same points as this movie without having to show a fucking 11 year old twerking.
  5. iOS 14 coming out tomorrow is looking nice too.
  6. Yeah, I'll probably upgrade and get the arcade and tv added for like $3 more. I already subscribe to both icloud storage for $1 and apple music for $10.
  7. If it's anything like previous 2, expect a quick start from the Clippers and maybe a double digit lead starting the 3rd and then they get outscored the rest of the game.
  8. I'm all for vaccine that is approved and been rigorously studied. A vaccine coming out at the end of October is not that. Not to mention Trump's clear business first appointments to several scientific departments of government and his clear dismissal of science when it comes to climate change makes me doubt any vaccine that is put out this year.
  9. This kid is beating the Clippers tonight.
  10. A chunk of ice twice the size of Manhattan just broke off of Greenland but yes there’s no need to worry.
  11. Sounds like you didn't even read the article. This is coming from a nurse who directly worked inside the facility.
  12. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/like-an-experimental-concentration-camp-whistleblower-complaint-alleges-mass-hysterectomies-at-ice-detention-center/ But black people protesting to not get killed by police are the real stories here folks.
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