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Everything posted by Ike

  1. https://www.ign.com/articles/tony-hawks-pro-skater-12-remake-review https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/tony-hawks-pro-skater-1-2-review-lights-out/1900-6417555/
  2. Collector's Item that's gonna have great value. Nintendo physical copies.
  3. “OMG he was joking! But mail-In ballots are totally will totally lead to fraud but only from democrats. /s
  4. This would the third time it gets remade since it was already done on Wii.
  5. Yeah and the 3090 is even stronger dude. Did you see that tech demo with the paint and marble?
  6. Probably slightly worse than the 3070. The 3080 claims to be 2x as good as as 2080.
  7. Graphics remind me of PSP games. How's the story, music, characters?
  8. I'm still considering picking up a PS5 at launch. I just want the price and the launch titles at this point to decide. Not touching Xbox at all. lmao
  9. This game is gonna be amazing. Glad we get this as our send-off the generation.
  10. https://au.news.yahoo.com/pregnant-covid-denier-mum-arrested-at-home-over-protest-facebook-post-090657423.html
  11. Former DHS Official: White House Failed To Take Far-Right Extremism Seriously https://www.npr.org/2020/09/02/908347989/former-dhs-official-white-house-failed-to-take-far-right-extremism-seriously
  12. I love how it’s always the suburbia white people trying to feign concern at what goes on the city and are so afraid of it leaking into their community. It’s been like this since Nixon.
  13. He’s had no problem calling these protests domestic terrorism but when a mass shooting event has happened or whenever there’s been actual domestic terror he’s refused to say as much.
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