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Everything posted by Ike

  1. It’s trying to recoup your losses for Goff’s contract.
  2. Given its Japanese roots and the runaway success of Switch, I’d even wager it’s a main series numbered title for Switch.
  3. That was also a night with no NBA playoffs or any major sport airing for that matter.
  4. I tell people every day to pull their mask up fully when they come see me. I had to tell a guy today to pull it up when he tried to pull it down to talk. I’m just like
  5. ND and Santa Monica's first games using ray tracing are gonna be
  6. Just saw that. Fucking idiots. Hopefully it spreads over these and eliminates them by natural selection.
  7. Now going to the next wealthy Chinese investor.
  8. Now do one for games running on XSeX hardware...
  9. Looks like a turd because it is a turd.
  10. Only $40 too. Looks great and perfect time releasing since Sep/Oct releases look so empty.
  11. Yep, and now kids getting games as good looking as early Pixar movies. Kids so goddamn spoiled these days.
  12. You weren't blessed with playing Toy Story 2 on PS1/N64?
  13. If it can be half as good as the Rogue Squadron gameplay, it should be decent.
  14. He's been making up excuses since 2016 why he can't show them? And yes, this one of the ways to root out the corruption. Dumb thread.
  15. Sony's B-Squad mascots look better than MS's premier franchise.
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