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Everything posted by Ike

  1. His last full movie was still Batman v. Superman. “MARTHAAAAA!!!”
  2. Lebron James Danny Green and KCP hitting their 3s Lakers up 2-1
  3. Consent is the biggest thing here and needs to be taught more than abstinence in schools along with how to have safe sex. Those two issues would solve a lot of problems.
  4. I'll be cheering on the Mavs, because lol Clippers.
  5. The RNC has the fucking convicted felons with guns speaking at their convention. Come off it.
  6. Doesn't matter. Either way, you'll have spent MORE money and waited MORE time to play the game we'll have beaten years ago.
  7. I've never spent more than $35 on PS Plus for a year and gotten plenty of games on my account as a return on my investment. Meanwhile, you'll have spent $2000+ on GPUs to feel superior and have bragging rights on the internet.
  8. It's a ghostz thread. Should we expect anything less from and London, France?
  9. Remji will cream his pants when a PC version is announced in 3 years and is a rush job to swindle the hermslobs out of their money. Meanwhile, PS5 owners are playing the new ND game.
  10. Bannon, the NRA, Trump, etc. They scam these morons out of their own money and then defend them when they get caught. It's a fucking cult.
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