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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Lebron 10 points and the Lakers up 30.
  2. Lakers with a solid first quarter. Defense is on point tonight.
  3. I fucking love this game. Gonna go play some now before the Lakers game. I love Slime Climb now btw. I’ve perfected it. It’s mostly other players that get me now on there. Trick is being patient. If you make it you’re gonna qualify so speed isn’t necessary.
  4. Obviously, the deep state of pedophile satanists that Trump is trying to root out is keeping them safe.
  5. Can't wait to for the Dems to take back the Senate and the White House.
  6. So nothing to help out normal people? Just more yes men installed.
  7. I'd be willing to wager those illegal aliens have paid more in taxes than Trump or any large business ever has.
  8. You mean the Senate that has done the least amount of work ever?
  9. Yeah, the CGI was so bad. They had Joss Whedon come in like halfway through and the resulting movie was utter shit. The people hyping this always forget that Batman V Superman was done by Snyder and also fucking terrible.
  10. This has been hyped to shit but I'm sure it's gonna usual Snyder drivel when all is said and done.
  11. Miami going to sweep and probably make it to the conference finals.
  12. True, he's becoming a true star now. Tenent and The Devil All the Time coming for him too within the month. He's a great actor.
  13. Yeah, directed by Matt Reeves (Did the new Apes movies and Cloverfield). Zoe Kravitz playing Catwoman and Colin Farrel is playing Penguin. Andy Serkis is Alfred. Jeffrey Wright as Commisioner Gordon. Looking forward to it. It's gonna be a younger, more inexperienced take on Batman.
  14. Why didn't they just use this one? I mean I know why. They got people talking about it, but it's shitty business. They knew beforehand how the poster would be received.
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