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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Well they showed us nothing for Hellblade 2 really so yeah, probably.
  2. This new game already looks like a generation ahead.
  3. Is it just me or do the environments looks bad?
  4. I mean, you don't have to say coming to PC also anymore with anything Xbox. Also, that's an awesome addition to GamePass.
  5. Dubs for non-animated movies always throw me off. I’m focused on the lips not matching and it bothers me more than it should. I tried with Ju-On on Netflix and it just seemed wrong.
  6. They were playing so well too before the break. That Clippers game was so good and seems like a decade ago.
  7. Baseball first up on Friday. I’m kinda excited to see a 60 game season. The games have more meaningful impact and the fact their mostly divisional matchups makes them that more exciting.
  8. My dad has a gold 1979 volvo 240 that I really want. Those fuckers can run for like 500k miles and are built like tanks.
  9. Classic cars, I should've been more specific. The factory line autos, no. But most of the super cars that are out are probably going to be worth more later.
  10. Could just be a supply/demand price increase. More people are buying cars now due to wanting to forego public transportation due to the pandemic. Also, the supply/production chain might be interrupted which is driving up prices.
  11. Cars are one of the best investments around, especially classic cars.
  12. He also killed his "rival", another men's right's lawyer. What an absolute piece of shit.
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