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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Higher population density=higher crime rate. That's just how things work.
  2. Perm bets are gay. We don't need members of the small community we already have gone. Sig bets are usually the best. @HALOmij I'll take your AAA hype for Halo and have a sig bet.
  3. I think it'll score an 8 at GS but I've never done bets. Find them dumb. Nice to troll you though.
  4. I'll bet you Metroid Prime 4 has a better meta.
  5. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-campaign-ad-police-officer-attacked-2014-ukraine-protests-2020-7 Dude is getting desperate looking at those poll numbers.
  6. I can only watch since I'm at work but that looks really solid. Don't care for most FPS games, but this does look really well done from a tech standpoint. Wasn't the game itself just average anyways? I never played it.
  7. He's legitimately bipolar and he goes off his meds when he makes a new studio album. He says it helps him be more creative, but also makes him say crazy shit like this during his mania.
  8. It’ll come out eventually probably next fall. I doubt we see it until next summer though.
  9. His daily therapy sessions are back? Gonna be late night comedy gold for a while again.
  10. "The last 5 questions were so hard. I bet you couldn't answer them." Trump to Wallace Last question: What is today's date?
  11. I've been reading it's a mixture of CBP, ICE, US Marshalls, and Federal Bureau of Prisons officers.
  12. Not even a meme, just a real Trump tweet.
  13. Anti-feminist lawyer who sued because clubs gave out discount drinks on ladies night. What a loser. Sad that a young kid had to die.
  14. Wayz app specifically takes you a longer route on side routes to take you closer to their advertisers. Harmless one, but that’s really the only one. Oh, and about like 10-20 of the richest men run the entire world.
  15. When I did home healthcare for developmentally challenged people, case managers would do this thing with their clinets too. It's not meant to be hard for anyone who has normal cognition skills. -
  16. You must not have see Desperado. Crazy thing, she still looks just as good 25 years later.
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