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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Parks and Rec and 30 Rock are better.
  2. No other game will ever top the amazing design, brilliance, and addicting nature of Tetris. It’s the only game that I would call perfect.
  3. That’s why PS2 Rockstar was the best. They gave no shits.
  4. The Wii/PS2/PSP version was given an AO rating, so yeah I don’t see it happening.
  5. I’d kill for a next-gen Manhunt 3. Game was sadistic and awesome.
  6. Also, aren't you hyped for Halo more than anything? God, can't MS do anything else?
  7. Splatoon is a new series less than 5 years old that's sold millions of copies.
  8. Sonic movie makes over $200 million at the box office. Dyno, "Sega is getting bought out.
  9. Game on PSVR is the best Tetris has ever been. It's a wonderful experience if you get the chance.
  10. Rockstar hasn't made an actual quality title since Bully on PS2 and their best game was Manhunt.
  11. Its battle mode was never ever replicated again for sure.
  12. Mario Party 2 and 3 are still peak multiplayer for me. I could still enjoy a 4 player game of that.
  13. Please give me some NBA soon. I really was looking forward to the Lakers first postseason in 8 years.
  14. The N64 is probably my favorite (not best) console of all-time.
  15. They should update and port the DS Castlevania games to Switch.
  16. This isn't necessary. I agree with Remji. This game is going sell well regardless of this. This just seems like a response to the leaks.
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