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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Bethesda is a shit developer who makes equally shitty games. Only reason Oblivion rocketed them to the mainstream was because it was new in the next-gen cycle. I couldn't even close on Oblivion gate before I got bored. They've made the same game since then with just different settings.
  2. https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/49ers/49ers-jimmy-garoppolo-was-nfls-most-accurate-deep-passer-last-season
  3. Just beat FFVII Remake. Skipped the all of the ch14 side missions and played for 7 hours through to the end. I didn’t really mind the ending tbh. I’m excited to play the future installments too.
  4. Oh I started this new show called Bloodride on Netflix. It’s a Norwegian anthology horror series with 30 minute episodes. The first two were pretty interesting. It’s nothing groundbreaking or anything but it’s a good watch if you like horror stuff.
  5. Imagine paying $500 twice for two of those like some people here.
  6. There was some game on the Macs in elementary where you got to be a fish and learn stuff but all I ever did was pick the great white and just fuck shit up. Game reminds me of that.
  7. https://www.ign.com/articles/final-fantasy-7-remake-is-best-selling-game-of-april-2020-sets-franchise-record April 2020's Best-Selling Games Final Fantasy VII Remake Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Animal Crossing: New Horizons NBA 2K20 Grand Theft Auto V Resident Evil 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Remastered MLB: The Show 20 Madden NFL 20 Red Dead Redemption II Just Dance 2020 FIFA 20 Mortal Kombat 11 Borderlands 3 Predator: Hunting Grounds Mario Kart 8: Deluxe Star Wars Jedi: Fal
  8. Seeing this on the true imax screen at the science center
  9. You talking about the girl who played Fleur in Harry Potter?
  10. Goddammit there’s one more season of 13 Reasons Why coming June 5. I’ll hate watch it like I have every season. Like everyone on this show sucks and it’s way overacted and overwritten but I’m seeing it through for this last season. I honestly can’t imagine where to go after that trash season 3.
  11. This is a product of the market seeing a fad at its popularity and trying to make a copy cat too late. The market for this has kinda past.
  12. And it intentionally looks like the female reproductive anatomy.
  13. If Pepsi Co. would make Code Red Zero Sugar, I'd be so happy.
  14. Snyder Cut of Justice League coming next year exclusively on HBO Max. I'm sure it'll be alright and better than the release we got, but I'm not expecting some MCU level film. Snyder has always been an above average director at best.
  15. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/what-the-golf-switch-review-under-par-in-a-good-wa/1900-6417467/ PC Version only scored an 8.
  16. A few in more discrete locations are fine. I'm not a big fan of sleeves though. Also anything above the shoulders is auto trashy.
  17. The people championing this are the same ones with a "My body, my choice" sign at a protest over the quarantine.
  18. It's not even subtle. It's like a damn Georgia O'Keefe painting.
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