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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Snyder Cut of Justice League coming next year exclusively on HBO Max. I'm sure it'll be alright and better than the release we got, but I'm not expecting some MCU level film. Snyder has always been an above average director at best.
  2. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/what-the-golf-switch-review-under-par-in-a-good-wa/1900-6417467/ PC Version only scored an 8.
  3. A few in more discrete locations are fine. I'm not a big fan of sleeves though. Also anything above the shoulders is auto trashy.
  4. The people championing this are the same ones with a "My body, my choice" sign at a protest over the quarantine.
  5. It's not even subtle. It's like a damn Georgia O'Keefe painting.
  6. That design looks like the female reproductive anatomy and I think that’s intentional.
  7. At work, yes the entire day. Whenever I go to a public place yes.
  8. Full remake of the first game and remaster of the second officially confirmed.
  9. I remember playing with a bunch of fools from here when The Orange Box released. Good times that would overheat my laptop.
  10. Ive never bothered with wearable tech. Not really interested in the Apple Watch so double I'll be interested in this.
  11. TF2>Overwatch and peak TF2 was some of the best online multiplayer around.
  12. Couldn’t decide on what to watch so just settled on watching all of The Twilight Zone. I’ve seen most of the good ones but just going to watch it through. It’s insane that this is 50 years old. Such amazing television for the time.
  13. Astro Bot is the best platformer this gen and it isn't close.
  14. They’re already trying. It’s called age acceptance or some bullshit. I’ve seen it, and it’s gross.
  15. Now that Intelligen Systems is done with a Fire Emblem and Paper Mario game for Switch. Hopefully Advance Wars is next.
  16. It's called Advance Wars and there hasn't been a new one in forever.
  17. Sure, I'll give them credit...for putting a price tag on freeware
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