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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Kameo was actually pretty decent and PDZ was a decent launch game but nothing they’ve done had come close to their run in the 90s. They had consistently great output in several genres too. Fighting, platformer, FPS, sci-fi action, etc. Grabbed by Ghoulies has to be one of the biggest flops ever. Everyone loves GoldenEye and rightfully so but I’d put Perfect Dark ahead of it. It just took GoldenEye and improved it with incredible weapons.
  2. I agree. I’ll do a list soon as well. I’m literally sitting at my work computer all day occasionally doing work shit as it comes in so I have a lot of down time.
  3. Going to get ready for bed soon but just finished chapter 9. The set pieces in this game are just incredible. Square really put effort into making this memorable and have outrageous production value.
  4. DKC 2 is definitely a hot take but hard to argue its quality. Such a shame what MS reduced Rare to. Phenandra Drifts was just incredible as was just everything about Metroid Prime. It definitely deserved the 9.7. Wish GS still did the scores like that. It does make a difference IMO. I expect your top three to be dominated by Blizzard games.
  5. My main motivation in StarCraft was to get to the next cinematic.
  6. #1 Metroid Prime #2 Metroid Prime 2 #3 Metroid Prime 3
  7. If that's your games outside the top 10, I'm really curious to see what is actually your top 10.
  8. MS just trying to throw a new coat of paint on their excess stock, but a polished turd is still shit.
  9. Yeah that's my reasoning for it too. I also have an itch just to go swing around NYC again. Seriously, the web swinging and building hopping was almost like a rhythm game. It just felt so good and fun. I'm really excited for the sequel.
  10. Yeah the constant switching when I was facing Rude made it a cake walk.
  11. Has anyone played the City that Never Sleeps DLC for Spider-Man? I'm thinking of getting that when I finish FFVII. I want a quick experience before I dive into another lengthy RPG with Trials of Mana when I'm finished with FFVII.
  12. Made it to chapter 9 and about to do Don Corneo's mansion before I had to go to sleep last night. I'm a little over 13 hours in. I wish I could be playing it now instead of at work.
  13. Lemmings only chance of winning a gen is if there literally isn't another console on the market.
  14. 2020 season may be shorter and played without fans. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2886810-report-nfl-discussing-shorter-2020-schedule-playing-without-fans-amid-covid-19?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_campaign=editorial&utm_medium=referral
  15. Yeah, it’s not that. Sega has zero reason to sell. I’m thinking next-gen could possibly be delayed.
  16. Who’s Jason Schreier and why should I care?
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