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Everything posted by Ike

  1. They should focus more on the actual plagas virus and more Ada/Wesker shit. That was more interesting than the Ashley/Leon shit.
  2. Hopefully they can completely retool the castle section. It got so bloated but there were some cool enemies. Also, just cut the boss fight with the double gigantes. It was stupid and unnecessary. I’ll still play it anyways.
  3. 9 hours and up to chapter 8. This game has been awesome.
  4. After Hollow Knight a lot of Metroidvania type games seem average. This one does look cool with the underwater setting.
  5. I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s very cinematic story telling, isn’t too challenging, offers up a gorgeous story with some of the best graphics ever. Game is just a great accomplishment. I also really am enjoying the battle system. It’s a wonderful hybrid of real-time action with the old turn based system.
  6. eBay is where I’m getting prices. I’m not selling anything at all, just observing the market.
  7. Dude video game stuff is becoming increasingly rare due to the pandemic. I can probably get $200+ for my Ring Fit right now. Also, the Switch is impossible to get right now outside of the Lite model. I think next gen consoles are going to be hard as hell to find. It’s an industry problem.
  8. I like my work mousepad
  9. Sorry it's no 6.0 MS Studios banger. You got to have standards right?
  10. Lemmings are so pathetic. They're all hyped up that Capcom made a 6.0 rated multiplat game better. Cows have two exclusive 10 games and sheep got a 9.0 game. But I guess, when you're left to choose between this and MS's first party offerings like Bleeding Edge.
  11. Did you not read the post directly under this one? Mine is arriving today as well before 8. I'll be home at 3:30 and already told my gf to start the install if it arrives.
  12. This and Trials of Mana for April. S-E is back.
  13. Game shipped at 9pm last night and is being delivered today.
  14. What a shitty damage control thread.
  15. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/next-gen-versions-of-cyberpunk-2077-wont-release-a/1100-6475884/
  16. Lemmings really getting some quality content for $180/year.
  17. Meh there’s really only me and my gf here most of the time and the tv has great viewing angles. I’ve no trouble seeing it anywhere.
  18. Texans get Brandin cooks and future pick for a 2nd round pick. Honestly not a bad deal considering the ridiculously deep WR draft class and salary cap. What do you think @Hot Sauce?
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