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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Not a word from work. I wasn’t tested, but I was in the general area where someone who may have had it.
  2. @Bodycount NCatherine: Full Body also coming to Switch.
  3. Switch is sold out except for a few gray Switch Lites here and there. The proper Switch is impossible to find right now and going for $400+.
  4. I just did a quick 15 minutes in adventure mode. I’ll be picking this up more over this quarantine.
  5. It also passed Wii’s LTD sales in Japan in just 3 years. I think the next Switch has the possibility to do DS numbers.
  6. Best episode of the season yet on Saul. Another classic montage with the green screen and another crazy ending. Right from the cold open, this felt like a great episode. I also enjoyed the newest episode of Westworld. I kind of appreciate the more narrow storytelling this season. There’s still plenty of mystery and intrigue but it feels different from season 2 in a good way. The opening scene to the credits was well done and I always like how the show is shot. I also liked they paired Bernard and Stubbs together for what seems to be a season arc.
  7. Loved the Curb finales. The cameos tonight were so funny. I love that HBO pretty much just lets Larry David and company do their thing whether they want. Overall, I liked this season better than the the Fatwa musical season.
  8. Helps that it’s already a top tier RPG for SNES. I’d honestly love a Chrono Trigger remake with this engine.
  9. Ike

    9.2 TF

    I’m not a huge tech numbers guy when it comes to hardware, but neither console sounds that impressive when a 20+ TF card is coming from nvidia.
  10. This was actually just the presentation for GDC so it was mostly meant for developers. I’m sure they’ll be a showcase sometime in the next few months with actual games. It’s just piecemeal marketing to build up hype. Next we’ll probably just see the actual box and probably a confirmation of the month of release.
  11. I’d rather have them remake Umbrella Chronicles for VR than bring us an RE5 remake. RE5 is mediocre tier. The only reason it was halfway decent is because Wesker made it interesting. It was the start of the downfall for the series before RE7 made the series interesting again.
  12. I still haven’t heard back from my work about the results of someone I came in contact with. No symptoms but it’d be good to know. Thankfully this is just paid administrative leave for me, but we haven’t heard jack shit since we got sent home Monday.
  13. We’re tracking about 10 days behind Italy. It’s been said even by Fauci that the numbers are going to go way up. They’re discussing not testing young people or people not extreme enough to be hospitalized. This country wasn’t prepared for this at all.
  14. Inslee hasn’t even given Washington state a shelter in place order yet. I don’t think a nationwide quarantine would do anything that most states aren’t already doing. Everyone knew this was going to get worse over the next few weeks before it got better.
  15. Ike


    Xbox is trash.
  16. Went up to the Olympic Mountains today and did a 2 mile hike all uphill with 3000 ft of elevation gain. Hell of a hike but a gorgeous day and beautiful views. I needed that after being stuck in the house all day. 60 degrees and blue skies.
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