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Everything posted by Ike

  1. So essentially what I'm paying now for more? Nice!
  2. So does anyone know if HBOMax will just be replacing HBO Now? Will I still be able to get my shows at airtime on Sundays?
  3. Yeah, well Xbox has this fucking banger coming this month
  4. I think most people are expecting the XSeX to be priced at $599.
  5. My only issue with Trials of Mana is it won't have multiplayer. It would've been so easy too with the Joy-Cons for Switch.
  6. This is from the Secret of Mana remake on PS4 released in 2018: This is from Trials of Mana: Trials looks way better quality.
  7. HBO The best TV studio in the business and it's not close.
  8. I've never tried any of the new ones so I guess I'm just more excited it's finally coming stateside for the first time ever. I played the translated SNES version on an emulator like 15 years ago.
  9. Seinken Densetsu 3 is a top tier RPG for SNES with FFVI and Chrono Trigger.
  10. VR technology is going to allow us to do just that.
  11. Or they could just make a new Chrono game all together. The original is already a masterpiece that still holds up well. The only thing that could be improved is fully orchestrating the soundtrack. Otherwise, it's about as close to perfect as a game there is.
  12. In b4 Kaz whines Looks awesome. Square should have an amazing year with this, FFVII, and Bravely Default 2.
  13. https://www.ign.com/articles/best-ps2-games-ever-top-playstation-2-games-ranked Terrible list
  14. I'm actually finally getting down on Hollow Knight. I had it but just recently really started playing it. I just got the dash move. Game, is fun and the music, atmosphere, and art style are fucking incredible.
  15. My copy is only going to cost $45 since I ordered it way back when Amazon still gave Prime members a discount.
  16. @Casual If you're looking for a Metroidvania game for Switch, just get Ori.
  17. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-01-19-bloodstaineds-switch-port-is-now-in-a-nearly-identical-state-for-content-as-pc-and-console It's apparently been patched and is on even keel with the other versions.
  18. Yeah, the luminous engine that they used for FFXV. I'm really glad they switched to UE4.
  19. Square looks like they really outdid themselves this time around. It looks so much better than the debut trailer.
  20. https://www.ign.com/articles/star-wars-project-maverick-leak This was discovered the same the RE3 Remake leaked via a PSN data pull.
  21. I just hope it isn’t filler side mission crap to pad the length. I’m guessing somewhere around 10-12 hours if you just stick to the main mission.
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