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Everything posted by Ike

  1. That trailer was so good. I loved the Sweet Child of Mine cover. The composer is one of the best people working on this show.
  2. I’m going to do a rewatch of season 2 soon. It was such a mindfuck of a season but I feel it’ll be better second go around.
  3. https://www.ign.com/articles/bleeding-edge-review
  4. He can be but we just play with him and his aggression has gone down. He doesn't just randomly attack my ankle anymore. He'll come snuggle in the back oy knee at night. It's really sweet.
  5. He's also finally starting to settle down and get past his shitty teenage phase. He actually just turned 1 this month.
  6. P5R will be coming to Switch. It's just a matter of when. Sony probably money-hatted for a timed exclusive like with FFVII Remake.
  7. Lemmings would go full panic mode if that happens.
  8. Splinter Cell? Ass Creed? Those are the two biggest Ubishit IPs in their pantheon.
  9. RE8 will be on VR too if the rumors it’s first person are true.
  10. I was raised in Albuquerque for 18 years. My parent’s house is like 5 minutes from the restaurant. That night sky is really gorgeous. Such a beautiful scene.
  11. THAT scene with Werner and Mike was so fucking beautifully shot. Also, the scene in the finale with Jimmy in the courtroom was fucking brilliant acting. I don't understand how this show hasn't won an Emmy yet. Also, one of the episodes this season is titles Goodman v. Wexler and Hank and Gomey are back. Can't fucking wait for Sunday.
  12. It was a solid 7 movie. Lots of fan service. I really enjoyed Jim Carrey as Robotnik.
  13. I use both, desktop at work and mobile anywhere else. Don’t really care.
  14. Midsommar is now on Amazon Prime. I really enjoyed it. The direction was fantastic as was the camera work. I thought it was better than Hereditary.
  15. They should have called it a tie and given it to both after the 50s in the dunk off. They both deserved it.
  16. This has been amazing. These last two dunks were incredible.
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