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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Yeah I don’t have time for shit. I wake up before 5am to catch a ferry to take and then take another ferry home to get back at 6pm. Between kids and work and general house shit, I don’t have time for anything much beyond watching a show or playing a little games before I’m passing out. Thankfully, I have a great girl who is pretty low maintenance and we just enjoy our us time and we just enjoy our own things at home. I’m pretty content.
  2. Shit that was a tough opening but really well done. RIP Kobe.
  3. I just want another Viewtiful Joe from Kamiya.
  4. Prime 4 would be an awfully good technical showpiece.
  5. The Coens are some of the greatest directors/writers around so it'll be hard to do. John Turturro himself wrote and directed it.
  6. The cast is pretty impressive. The Big Lebowski is probably my favorite movie of all-time. I could rewatch it anytime, any place and still crack up.
  7. Nic Cage is fully embracing his Nic Cageness and it's awesome.
  8. You spent $500 at launch for an XboneX with the exclusive launch title that's now best on Switch.
  9. I will say that the Prequels do have the best light saber battles in the trilogy. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan vs. Death Maul with Duel of the Fates playing is still awesome. And nothing tops Obi-Wan vs. Anakin on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith. I really wish Lucas had let someone else just write the dialogue and had a little more input on his screenplays for the prequels.
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