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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Why oh why did they have to place the cable at bottom though?
  2. Shadow-dropping an entire console for $399 in 1995 was worse.
  3. Chainsaw man got me first time lol Glorious to see though
  4. Downloading currently. Excited to play this masterpiece again. The demo was amazing.
  5. What were the terms of their divorce? If he’s a cheating douchebag, fuck it and go for it right away but be aware you’re probably a rebound and it won’t be long term more than likely. Also, if there are kids between them, I wouldn’t touch it all.
  6. My most anticipated game of 2023 easily. The first game was incredible. Can’t wait to see a Venom story in this one. This game will probably take the graphics crown upon release.
  7. The demo is awesome. I’ve played through twice. The changes to the expected is really good. Im excited to keep going.
  8. Yeah, but then only the GCN version got GOTY and cows were whining then.
  9. Crazy that’s only 4 years ago but feels like 2 decades ago.
  10. PS5 version seemed fine. Enjoyed it. I liked the new mechanics they’ve added. Excited for the full release. Game really does feel good on the DualSense controller.
  11. The first Creed movie is so fucking good. Ryan Coogler is such a good director. Really captured the feeling of the original Rocky movie.
  12. Bethesda is shit and this game will just be another one of their pieces of shit but this time in a sci-fi setting.
  13. Dude had been triggered by “kiddy” stuff for damn near 20 years now
  14. About what I was expecting. Hope they have the same cheesy one liner to close it too I’ll play tomorrow.
  15. I’ll be getting this one. Looks the rights have gone back to KT. If this does well, I’d love to see the original trilogy remastered or even a new entry in the franchise.
  16. Been making my way through season 4 of Atlanta. I like the more traditional storytelling here versus season 3’s fairy tale season. The episode with the white author lady was a classic episode. Also, the Goofy Movie mockumentary was funny as shit. Don’t think that we’ll ever see a show similar this one ever. It’s so unique in what it does. Only 2 episodes left. I’ll be sad to see it end.
  17. 7-12 (minus 11 of course) are available physical on Switch. I think all the perfect pixel remasters are coming on one cart as well.
  18. Team Ninja has been one of the most consistent Devs of late
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