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Posts posted by Ike

  1. 6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    For previous generations, it used to be that if you graduated high school, and then went to college, and got a degree, then you would have a decent job that would give you everything you need. The house, the car, and be able to afford the wife and two kids.


    But that's not the case anymore, and the older generations don't really understand that. They still think the old rules still apply.

    Sounds like someone needs to pull themselves up by the old bootstraps. :trump2:

  2. 2 minutes ago, -GD- said:

    i'm so behind on it. 

    I had planned on beating it this weekend but got sidetracked. I imagine I'll finish it before the week is over. I'm still way behind in general on Switch games. I have Link's Awakening now and plan on playing that when I beat LM3. Still need to buy/beat Fire Emblem (know how great is), Astral Chain, AI, and probably more. Between kids, gf, and social life, I just don't have enough time to game. The sun is going down before 5pm now though so my gaming time always seems to go up in the fall/winter months.

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