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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I check my mail like once a week. I wish there was a way to just stop it like Kramer wanted to.
  2. Physical getting delivered today. Hope you got this one gentleman. This one will be hard to find and it’s already sold out online everywhere.
  3. No one is spending $70 on this flop. This will be quickly forgotten like all the shovelware that ends up on Slimepass.
  4. Another HoboPass flop. That service is home of trash central.
  5. Insta women all look like same cgi face anymore. It’s honestly disturbing.
  6. Losers One of the largest game launches of all time. Even bigger than Elden Ring.
  7. Damn look at this casual trash gamer try to boast about HoboPass Boxes being last choice for all gamers.
  8. Also, one of the missions made me sad with how it ended.
  9. I really like the gear system and the integration of the beasts system into the upgrade resources.
  10. Fuck Philly and their garbage fans. Glad they lost after having walked into the Super Bowl.
  11. Good for Dead Space. Shows that making a good single player game will still sell well when done right. Hope EA continues. They’re a better dev than Activision right now.
  12. I’m going to see what I can get for my PSVR stuff at GameStop. If it’s $150-200 I’ll get PSVR2 at launch. Maybe they’ll have a bonus.
  13. Couldn’t happen to a more classy fanbase
  14. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08XY8H9D5/ Get this controller. One of the best around and that d-pad is the best ever.
  15. Gross that Eagles and their shitty fanbase make me root for Mahomo and Lard Ass.
  16. BTW if you want this physical, better get on it soon. Most online places have sold out.
  17. Getting this one physical so I’ll wait until Feb 22. Playing Hogwarts right now anyways.
  18. I’ve only noticed some pop-in but otherwise had a pretty good experience on PS5. It’s crashed when my gf flew over the lake twice. Haven’t tried that again lol. The game is amazingly gorgeous and I think you should play it on the largest 4K screen you can.
  19. They’ll have the next mainline Mario launch with Switch 2. It’s been over 5 years now since Odyssey.
  20. Level-5 had like 3 games. It’s impressive.
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