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Everything posted by Ike

  1. The embargo going doing a week early is telling. I'm guessing 9@GS and 9.2@ IGN and 88 meta. It could go any which way, but the latest launch trailer looked really high quality in terms of production quality.
  2. Just buy some poptarts instead and at least you'll get something (food) actually worth a damn.
  3. So Switch took less than 3 years to surpass Xbone LTD sales?
  4. A more dense VIce City would be the best.
  5. Own it. I was hoping for Astral Chain and Fire Emblem.
  6. No Nintendo published titles.
  7. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/doctor_sleep/ 78% with 36 reviews in. Seems the consensus is that if you don't compare it to the original, it's quite good.
  8. Game is visually stunning, story looks great, and the gameplay looks serviceable. Reviews drop in less than 2 days.
  9. You can pet the Potlerpup and the Mario call button is back.
  10. Any PS1 remake needs serious updates. Its game have aged the worst of any generation.
  11. Also the character of Rose was awful. She was Jar Jar bad.
  12. I just recently watched it again after the new trailer last week, and it isn’t flat out bad. It was just mediocre and a total flop given the world building in the prior movie. Also, the way he treated Luke’s character in that movie sucked ass. There’s great things in TLJ that I really like such as the Rey/Kylo connection and the fight scene against the Royal Guard are all fantastic. Then there’s the Leia floating through space, the first order just slowly following the resistance, and the entire Canto Bight story that are just bad.
  13. Jon Favreau is the show runner too. It looks such high quality. Star Wars will do well with expanded storytelling a tv show can give more so than the new films have been able to.
  14. I ALMOST want to get a Disney+ subscription for this. I'm going to pirate it but goddamn it looks fantastic.
  15. It actually had a pilot episode made with Naomi Watts. Must’ve been really bad to not get greenlit. There’s still another prequel that’s still in development but I think most people are sour on the franchise after the eighth season flopped.
  16. I watched Repo! The Genetic Musical last night for the first and really enjoyed it. Campy as hell but that's the intention.
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