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Everything posted by Ike

  1. https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/10/03/untitled-goose-game-definitely-not-confirmed-for-ps4-and-xbox-one-yet Yeah that was denied.
  2. You fools should play A Link Between Worlds if you haven't. It's my favorite Zelda of this decade.
  3. @Hot Sauce How you feeling about tonight?
  4. The "movie mode" might be interesting. Looks like the story is batshit crazy and I'll enjoy it, but it just doesn't look fun to play.
  5. That carousel scene in the snow was fucking gorgeous looking.
  6. The PS1 era games have probably aged the worse of any generation's games.
  7. Given what we've seen, I can see why they avoided showing gameplay footage
  8. Batman was also just free for PS Plus subscribers in September.
  9. If they can get the price point at or under $1k that will sell well.
  10. Thanks bro. I try my best and their mom is a bitch but at the end of the day their hugs and smiles are always worth it.
  11. They also enjoy Beat Sabers on PSVR. I’m looking forward to playing the co-op in Luigi’s Mansion 3 with them.
  12. Yeah, 7 year old daughter and 4 year old son (he likes Mario Kart). Already been snipped though so no more and my youngest will be in college when I'm 44.
  13. I've been watching my 7 year old daughter play Let's Go Pokemon. It's fun seeing her experience all the same things I did when I was closer to her age. I was only a couple of years older when I first played Pokemon Red on the OG Game Boy.
  14. Watched Spider-Man: Far From Home last night. I really enjoyed Gyllenhall as Mysterio and appreciated the MCU’s take on the iconic villain. Holland has proven himself to be my favorite film version of the character. He plays both Spider-Man and Peter Parker to perfection. That post credit cameo was amazing and I’m so glad they are integrating the character into the MCU. I did like Homecoming more though. 8.1/10
  15. Yeah because people have been going crazy about Kinect and want more. How can a company be so inept and tone deaf to the consumers?
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