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Posts posted by Ike

  1. 2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    How many levels are there in total?


    Like 200 or something?

    No it’s only like 20 or so. There’s different modes but the journey mode only takes a few hours at most. I did get an endless mode that took me 90 minutes until I failed. It’s a very good Tetris game. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Wasn't Mario Maker 2 the game that they advertised that if you buy the game with Nintendo Online, they sell it digitally for $70, basically a $10 discount for the online service?


    So, the digital sales on that game are probably going to be considerable.

    The NPD didn't even take into account digital sales for SMM2 which means it's probably sold a fuck ton overall.

  3. 8 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Netflix just reported that their subscriber base shrinked for the first time ever, losing 130,000 subscribers in the US. They had originally predicted to grow by 5 million subscribers worldwide, but they only grew by 2.7 million.


    Their downturn is coming.


    Microsoft is picking a very bad time to get into the online streaming business.


    The problem is the over saturation of the market. Every company and media is trying to stream. I expect a rise in piracy in the coming years. 

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