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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I live in probably the most beautiful part of the USA here in the PNW. Mt. Rainier, the northern Cascades, the Olympic Rain Forest, and Seattle proper. If you like being out in nature and appreciating mountains and green there’s no better place to live. Also the NW ocean front is breathtaking.
  2. In a good way? I’m excited to get it this week. What’s your play time to get there? I want to try to power through it before Mario Maker 2 on Friday.
  3. Girlfriend is watching Dexter for the first time and we just made it to season 4. Almost just want to tell her to stop after this season.
  4. The continued lack of any MS Studios game scoring at least 7.
  5. Mario Maker 2 is next Friday too. Switch straight fire right now.
  6. You should try Blood and Truth for VR. Also what happened? Broke up with your girl?
  7. Tifa is serious waifu material. Game is fucking gorgeous. Can't wait.
  8. Combat and movement is rhythm based. It’s also a roguelite game so you lose everything you earned if you die. It’s pretty much a Zelda game at heart though with a map, dungeons, and the like. And yeah, the music is incredible.
  9. This game looks incredible every time it’s shown. Can’t wait.
  10. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/my-friend-pedro-review-this-game-is-bananas/1900-6417173/
  11. The only knock I have against the first Gears is the final boss battle was a little lame.
  12. Emma Watson Ariana Grande Belle Delphine
  13. Just give us BOTW with full fleshed out dungeons and bosses and it's a 10/10.
  14. Mario Maker 2 is going to win June and it'll only be out for 3 days.
  15. Game looks gorgeous and the UI looks a lot like Persona 5.
  16. It's the same price as an S. So you lose the 4k player. It's paying MS for less features.
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