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Everything posted by Ike

  1. E3 proved that there's zero reason to own Xbox hardware ever again.
  2. Yes, I imagine you do. You should probably watch it because it's one of the best animated movies ever.
  3. I have the Switch version ordered for next week.
  4. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/toy_story_4/ 117 reviews in and still at 99%. Fucking can't wait. I love the Toy Story movies and seriously doubted they could pull off a 4th since 3 was just such a perfect ending, I thought they would have a hard time justifying a 4th movie but apparently the wizards at Pixar are still the masters of the animation world.
  5. Watched it last night and though it was enjoyable. Love a good horror/comedy show.
  6. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/cadence-of-hyrule-crypt-of-the-necrodancer-featuri/1900-6417165/ AAe and Mario Maker 2 next week
  7. CoD will be the best selling game of this year easily when accounting across all platforms and it won’t be close.
  8. https://www.npd.com/wps/portal/npd/us/blog/2019/e3-2019-showcasing-an-expanding-games-industry/#.XQPjtphl3Bg.twitter Also, " Nintendo Switch is the best-selling hardware platform of 2019 in the U.S., and is the only platform showing growth in the year." and " Nintendo Switch is the most important piece of Video Game hardware in the market right now."
  9. Todd Phillips (Director) confirms Joker will be rated R. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/joker-movie-is-rated-r-director-confirms-new-image/1100-6467824/?ftag=GSS-05-10aaa0b
  10. The last episode of Chernobyl was one of the best hours of television ever put to screen. Holy shit, the whole series was just incredible.
  11. My guess is you full on kill US soldiers or something.
  12. Took a hike this weekend to here. Was awesomely peaceful.
  13. When Kefka actually pulls off his scheme in the middle of FFVI. First time playing SM64 The final Ganondorf battle in Wind Waker The opening village encounter in RE4 The first time seeing a crimson head in REmake Swinging around NYC in Spider-Man PS4
  14. Ike


    I honestly just wish they’d remake the first game in with modern graphics and controls. It still had some of the coolest weapons around and setting the bots in multiplayer mode was awesome. Just imagine the first Datadyne Tower scene in 4K.
  15. How old is she and how old are you? If you really want to go for it though, you need to sit down and have a serious talk about careers and where you want your lives to go. You should never upend your life for a woman. They should just join you in your already, hopefully, happy and full life. Discuss finances, does she own a house? Do you? These are all major things to consider.
  16. Blood and Truth is great and Beat Sabers is amazing.
  17. I’d just continue dating right now bro and continue enjoying one another. It’s still really early in your relationship. I’d just continue having the discussion with her but if she has a kid chances are the dad lives where she is currently living which might cause issues with her moving. You’ll also have to think of your own career. Kind of sounds like she enjoys being your sugar momma so just enjoy it for man.
  18. Sorry but you shouldn’t just up and move after only knowing someone for three months. So how many dates have you gone? How often do you see each other? Also Houston is awful to live in. The weather is the worst on the planet. Fuck hot and humid. I’d say you should just continue dating but a few months isn’t enough to know someone well enough to move in with them. I was with my current girlfriend for about a year before we decided to move in together.
  19. I don’t see Kawhi leaving. He should stay in Toronto.
  20. AD to the Lakers! They had to give up Ingram, Ball, Hart and 3 first rounders. Got to keep Kuzma and still have room for one more super max like Butler, Kyrie or Kawhi. Plus they just became a free agent dream spot for many mid level guys.
  21. Astro Bot owns. One of my favorite games from last year.
  22. Yeah Beat Sabers is amazing. One of the best VR games ever and an outstanding rhythm game.
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