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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Achilles injury is feared for Durant. Fuck, his career might be over.
  2. For real that was an awful last shot and why wasn’t Kawhi shooting it?
  3. That’s a basket. It was too close but I thought it was good.
  4. Coaching. Scotty Brooks couldn’t handle it.
  5. Raps have 10 more FTA right now
  6. The Last Remnant was a Wii exclusive You’re probably thinking of Lost Odyssey.
  7. Deeno’s alt accounts boosting those numbers.
  8. Raps win the ship tonight. Congrats Canada.
  9. Hopefully Square's show tonight will give us something because I've been pretty underwhelmed so far.
  10. I mean they just troll everyone now with the dancing routines right?
  11. And that would still be better than MS's conference.
  12. I'm still at work so I'm only catches glimpses of the conference with the sound muted but I just looked back and wtf am I watching?
  13. I'd be cautious. Remember how amazing the original games was shown when it first debuted at E3?
  14. Their show is always cringe inducing. *popcorn.gif*
  15. Nintendo will save the day tomorrow.
  16. He looks exactly like the kind of guy I'd expect to be really into vampires. Also, probably frequents his local Hot Topic.
  17. Wasn't @Remij_ predicting a RDR2 reveal here?
  18. The female host reminds me a lot of Gina Davis.
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