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Everything posted by Ike

  1. TBF, Gears started as an evolution of gameplay standards set by RE4.
  2. It really is! But honestly, I see maybe one more season worth of material especially with the way the season ended.
  3. They’re really pushing their subscription to GP. It was completely plastered across their conference. It’s make sense they’d just want to absorb all the content they can. They want to be the the Netflix of gaming and just throw content on their service.
  4. Finished Barry season 2. Even better than first and one the best shows on TV. Hader and Winkler will win emmys again for this show. 3 episodes in on Chernobyl and it’s amazing to watch. Easily one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever seen.
  5. Cyberpunk looks incredible and has Keanu Reeves in it. Releasing April 2020. Ori is 2020. Gears5 is October. New Tales game looks impressive 2020. New Flight Simulator looks incredible. Next gen console launching holiday 2020 with Halo.
  6. So that’s it? Highlight of the show was Flight Simulator. TLHBO
  7. This conference has been a complete flop so far.
  8. I bet they counted this LEGO shit in that 14 games Phil mentioned
  9. This trailer sucks but Gears 5 looks pretty.
  10. Also damn near everything has been 2020.
  11. So far Flight Simulator has been the best thing they’ve shown.
  12. You can just start here. You haven’t missed much except a cutscene from Cyberpunk.
  13. Damn, that’s still 10 months away. Where’s Remji wasn’t he insisting this was next gen?
  14. They probably got a nice chunk of change from Netflix too for rights to the show. It’s awesome for a new ip to have this much hype.
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