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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Just remaster the first two and release IV in the west for first time. Or a new one would be cool.
  2. If Konami can make real games again, that'd be fantastic.
  3. Seriously, MS would probably love to move out of the hardware business. I mean besides the Xbox Brand and the MS Surface they really don't have any other hardware.
  4. Starting to rewatch Dexter, gf has never seen it, and dear god the first season is so still so good. It’s a shame Michael C Hall had to go up against Bryan Cranston at the Emmys every year because he deserved one for his role.
  5. I’ll get the mid-gen refresh whenever they put it out. The first PS console is usually uglier, bulkier, and buggier with average games. Year 3 always seems to be when to pick it up.
  6. Seriously, they needed at least 2 more seasons. Ended with the season with Dany's turn and the aftermath needed it's own full season.
  7. Hermit butthurt still in full swing nearly 15 years post-release.
  8. LMAO@ aynone trying to own sheep on RE4. Bitch, we played it first exclusively on our console over 10 year ago.
  9. Just fucking give the Clippers to Seattle.
  10. And then just 10 more years until Dream of Spring.
  11. This series is going 7 but the longer it goes the worse chance either team has of beating GS. Durant/Cousins are getting more time to heal.
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