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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I do believe you can skip a level too for a new one right? I played a lot of the Wii U version but it's been a few years since I last played it. I know you get 99 lives. I did beat the hard mode once. Some of those stages are crazy hard.
  2. I like the new option to search by categories.
  3. Just watched it all. Looks fucking amazing. Can’t wait.
  4. Set pieces. music. and production values are all top quality and the best on TV bar none. It's the writing and character development that just isn't good this season.
  5. I blame Xbox for this since it’s not PS4 exclusive.
  6. The secret is already out about Jon though. The whole kingdom knows because of Varys letter at the beginning of the episode.
  7. Hope this turns out welll. Until Dawn is still one of the best early PS4 games around.
  8. Give me Team Fortress 3 please. It's so much better than Overwatch.
  9. I hope this keeps up so Valve actually has to make new, quality software.
  10. Yeah because S-E has an E3 conference in June. The last FFVII trailer during the State of Play had the PS4 logo on it.
  11. Vancouver is just wannabe Seattle. Can't wait for the Seattle hockey team in two more years. That will be a fun rivalry with the Canucks.
  12. https://www.businessinsider.com/game-of-thrones-creators-bad-writers-on-google-search-2019-5 Angry 'Game of Thrones' fans 'Google-bombed' the show's creators so that their photo now shows up when you search for 'bad writers'
  13. This looks great! I’ll pick it up later when there's a sale.
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