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Everything posted by Ike

  1. STAR WARS: JEDI FALLEN ORDER WON'T HAVE MULTIPLAYER OR MICROTRANSACTIONS Respawn confirmed that Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order will be a single-player story game with no multiplayer and no microtransactions.
  2. Anyone who has access to another platform should absolutely play it on anything but Switch. Still impressive technically how they managed to make it work on a handheld.
  3. Bethesda Elder Scrolls Series has always been boring trash since Morrowind.
  4. This is a view from my ferry ride that I ride twice daily for my work commute. I love living here.
  5. FYI, that's the one episode that was written by Martin himself. Also that episode delivered one of my favorite lines: "Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them."
  6. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-last-jedi-director-doesnt-seem-to-mind-if-jj-a/1100-6466083/ Might be retconing that.
  7. Use facts and stick to the truth. Don't let any emotion come through whatever your presenting. Have hard evidence like pictures and possibly look into business's around the area to see if they have security cam footage of the incident. Know what the prosecution will be arguing and start working on counterpoints. Be professional, dress well, and above all stick to hard facts that can be proved with evidence.
  8. Season 5 The Dorne storyline with the Sand Snakes was so terrible. Then again, Hardhome is probably one of the best episodes they've ever done. and gave us one of the best moments in the show:
  9. Respawn is probably the only half decent developer left at EA. I want a goddamn single player narrative driven Star Wars game.
  10. Ramin Djawadi and yes he works on both. The score for the last episode of season 6 on GoT is a fucking masterpiece and made the sequence that it followed (Cersei’s Trial) so epic and incredible. Edit: It’s titled “Light of the Seven”
  11. $40 for Fallout76 Eat a dick Bethesda
  12. This is the future of animation. Jesus Christ
  13. 40b km across (24.85b miles) 3 million times the size of Earth it's 500 million trillion km away (310.7 million trillion miles) the representation of space in this image is larger than our entire Solar System total mass is 6.5 billion times larger than our Sun (our Sun is 333,000 more massive than the Earth) Jesus
  14. "The first image of a black hole shows a bright ring with a dark, central spot. That ring is a bright disk of gas orbiting the supermassive behemoth in the galaxy M87, and the spot is the black hole’s shadow." https://www.sciencenews.org/article/black-hole-first-picture-event-horizon-telescope?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r_science
  15. I have very little to complain about with life at the moment.
  16. Cows coming in here when they had to shill out costs for PSP/Vita for proprietary storage cards that were overpriced and couldn't be used on shit other than Sony products. Also, remember UMDs and Vita had the same thing.
  17. That scene with him in the car and his friend says he’ll just go home.
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