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Everything posted by Ike

  1. The difference I think is that getting on the internet used to be a thing we did with a specific start and end. Now, we're just always connected.
  2. Only for Smash DLC. I remember when horse armor in Oblivion was mocked. I honestly can't believe people would spend money for digital cosmetics. Waste of money.
  3. This site is one of the last remaining remnants of the early 00s internet and most people here have known each other for damn near 15 years.
  4. Meh, she aight. Hit it homie.
  5. The homeless and drug problem in Seattle is terrible and the city is doing nothing about it. It’s been getting worse too and the inaction by both the police and city is ridiculous. There’s plenty of depth to this issue that isn’t left or right. I don’t have time to get into it right now but whatever is happening right now is completely unacceptable.
  6. It was leaked on twitter and then taken down immediately. I saw this on reddit.
  7. Thanks guys. Just left the office for the last time until next Friday.
  8. @McWicked@Twinblade I was thinking of bringing about $500 USD for the trip (there's a currency exchange at the airport) and charging everything else on my Visa card.That enough? I know Iceland is expensive.
  9. This is coming out in August as well. Those illustrations in the book scared the shit out of me as a kid.
  10. I’ll make a wager and say Dyno is a member of a Proud Boys group.
  11. The flower shop is a masterclass in film making.
  12. The Room doesn't have a popcorn sex scene though
  13. Troll 2 is a better so bad it's good movie than The Room. Come at me.
  14. 8 @ GS https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/yoshis-crafted-world-review-simple-pleasures/1900-6417110/
  15. Just takes getting rid of Microsoft as their partner
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