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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Don't be mistaken though, I've rewatched Infinity War more than is healthy and usually rewatch it when I get bored.
  2. Winter Solider is still the best MCU film and is top tier superhero movie along Spider-Man 2, The Dark Knight, and X2.
  3. I'd rather watch The Wolverine again than X3: Last Stand. Origins can burn in hell though. I hope Dark Phoenix can be a great swan song for this current iteration of X-men.
  4. The only question, is this going to pass Infinity War's Box Office numbers?
  5. Sony trying to copy Nintendo (Directs) and always looking like a K-Mart knock-off. TCHBR
  6. Days of Future Past has nothing to do with Avengers.
  7. Days Gone is literally the only thing they've talked about for a while now.
  8. *ahem* It's actually 3 hours and 2 minutes thank you very much.
  9. Because it offers me things Xbox doesn't. Xbox offers nothing special except a 4k player.
  10. Also, can't wait for the Microsoft published titles to come in. Cuphead, Ori, and MCC are going to be banging on switch.
  11. No, but I don't buy a $500 box of regret that offers me nothing special but the ability to play 4k Blu-Rays.
  12. https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/03/25/apple-arcade-games-subscription-service-announced "Apple has officially announced a games subscription service called Apple Arcade during today’s special event in the Steve Jobs Theater. Apple Arcade is a single subscription with access to over 100 new and exclusive games, with more to be added. It will be available in Fall 2019 in 150 countries and regions. Pricing and more details will come at a later date." More streaming services...yay.
  13. My favorite quote from Reddit on this, “The cheap model will be a LABO kit you build out of cardboard.” LMFAO
  14. Nice, I’ll pick up the enhanced and I can gift my daughter my current one for her next birthday. Nintendo’s 2nd iterations of their consoles are always really nice. Best hardware design in the business.
  15. If you truly want to mess them up and it’s truly not even really that violent, just show them the original Blair Witch/Paranormal Activity and tell them it’s real. Blair Witch fucked me up bad when I was 9.
  16. Try and find episodes of Are you Afraid of the Dark?
  17. Watch The Jinx on HBO if you haven’t. Also the people vs oj is amazing television.
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