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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Celeste Dead Cells Enter the Gungeon Golf Story Graceful Explosion Machine Hollow Knight Overcooked Overcooked 2 Stardew Valley Undertale
  2. Well it might now have a chance of scoring 7 or better
  3. Chrono Trigger remake using the Octopath engine would be amazing
  4. So apparently the upcoming live action Dora the Explorer movie is going to have Benicio Del Toro as Swiper and Danny Trejo as Boots.
  5. Good luck with that. You don’t just jump into marriage. At least date her for a bit man.
  6. Santa Clarita Diet Season 3 is coming next Friday 3/29
  7. That's one trailer I'm going to avoid. I want to know as little as possible. We already know he's on the run and being hunted. That's all I need to know.
  8. Can't say this is where I saw myself, but I feel like I have a pretty good career track ahead of me with a great company.
  9. Nintendo owns the rights to N64 GoldenEye still. But yeah, Rare Replay would be killer. I'd love to play Conker again.
  10. if TLoU2 can release this year, it might surpass 1998.
  11. Mario Maker 2, Animal Crossing, Luigi’s Mansion 3, and Zelda LA remake as well.
  12. Master Chief will be in Smash and MCC will be on Switch.
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