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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Bucks/Raps east finals will be fun.
  2. Seriously, with how many delays this game has had. This is completely unacceptable.
  3. Bucks are winning the east y'all. Hope they can win it all too. Giannis is one of the best players in the league and his story is amazing. hard not to root for him and that franchise.
  4. This is Nintendo online bad. This game is sub-6 territory.
  5. Naomi Scott is shooting up my celebrity crush list. She's now played 2 of my childhood crushes, the Pink Ranger and Jasmine.
  6. https://n4g.com/news/2236529/crackdown-3-review-embargo-date-revealed-four-days-before-release-date ?
  7. I also think the early review embargo means good things. I honestly have no clue how this will review though because I haven’t paid enough attention to it.
  8. Halo 3’s trailer was also amazing.
  9. Twilight Princess has some amazing trailers.
  10. Review embargo is set to end Monday as well.
  11. 7 is 3D which the changes the name to the final chapter later on. The story does get crazy up its own ass by V and the amount of flashbacks needed for story is ridiculous. Still the creativity of traps and especially one of the best endings since the first 3 in Saw VI made it one of my favorites.
  12. That’s still one of the best endings ever in a movie. Fucking love it.
  13. V is the weakest IMO. My ranking for the series is 1,2,6,3,4,7,5. Also, don’t watch Jigsaw. It sucks.
  14. My original account had 50k+
  15. The only floppy basketball team in LA is the clippers. I hope beating the Celts on the road like helps them with this playoff push. They were playing good basketball when the team was at full strength. In fact, they’ve been playing some of their poorest basketball since Lonzo got hurt.
  16. Ready for round 2 @DynamiteCop!
  17. These Direct predictions are usually almost always wrong.
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