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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Bandersnatch was a neat experience but the narrative was average.
  2. I think they could’ve cut the dragging third act as it’s already over two hours long, but apart from that you should totally check it out. I’m waiting for the gf to get off and I’ll be checking out the Black Mirror experience today.
  3. And now Trump is doing exactly what these two want in Syria. Also, helping the murder tapes disappear.
  4. They need a better service with legacy titles. With the new subscription, they can be giving out SNES, N64, and GCN games to subscribers each month. I'm sure we'll see another Splatoon title before the Switch ends its life cycle. That's a Japanese powerhouse of a game.
  5. I doubt we've seen a full line-up either. I'm expecting a new Direct in January.
  6. Bird Box on Netflix was really good. Bullock was great as was John Malkovich. If you like suspense and horror you’ll enjoy this. The camera work is really well done and the sense of dread is just so prevalent throughout. It’s a recommendation from me.
  7. A mainline Pokémon game sure won’t help drive hardware sales at all
  8. Just a joke I’m super excited for this. I’m actually taking a sick day tomorrow and this will be nice to binge and explore all day.
  9. I don't want or have ever claimed to do that. I'd rather be in a relationship with someone than have sex with random strangers.
  10. Reading r/theredpill is all you need to see. Words like beta cuck and calling women bitches. It's toxic.
  11. Women won't sleep with me and it's their fault. Maybe if I act more like a dick they'll totally want to suck my dick.
  12. Enjoy being 40 years old and alone Tell one woman your ideology and see how that gets you.
  13. There's a difference between the bedroom and real life and consent, respect, and communication are all paramount to a great relationship including sex. Seriously man, are you trying to suggest that women aren't individuals and are just here to appease the sexual desires of men?
  14. It's misogynistic bullshit that likes to blame women for literally anything.
  15. Visuals and action were top notch and I didn’t even mind the characters especially Momoa, but Jesus Christ that script was bad. Many jokes fell flat and some of those melodrama scenes and lines that were obviously attempt at emotional impact just failed to register. Seriously, though they have a super solid foundation for an awesome franchise and sequels. Probably the best DCEU film and that’s including Wonder Woman.
  16. https://www.indiewire.com/2018/12/black-mirror-bandersnatch-movie-details-five-hours-footage-1202030410/ "The most interesting new detail is that “Bandersnatch” reportedly has 312 minutes of footage, which is over five hours. A huge number like that would be ridiculously long for a feature film, but it would make sense given reports that “Black Mirror” is planning a choose-your-own adventure storyline. News first broke on an interactive “Black Mirror” episode in October, and the 312 minute “Bandersnatch” runtime suggests it’s a choose-your-own-adventure movie."
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