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Everything posted by Ike

  1. The White Lotus S2 continues to excel. Mike White has improved what made S1 so good. Aubrey Plaza was amazing in the most recent episode. The Italian girls are gorgeous and the locale in Italy is absolutely breathtaking.
  2. Looks fantastic. I had big grin the entire time. Should be a blast. So many Easter eggs in that trailer too.
  3. Glad USA made it out of group. I expect them to lose to Netherlands though especially if Pulisic can’t play.
  4. https://apnews.com/article/arizona-deadline-2022-midterms-certification-d6a1ea4020c26313a3124931c14b79fb?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_03 Snowflakes
  5. Also, the only thing more pathetic than 4channer Elon is the simps who defend him online.
  6. Elon having a pissy fit because the free market allows companies to advertise where they see fit. But they aren’t giving me money anymore guize
  7. Gamepass is the equivalent of direct to streaming movies. Most are absolute dogshit but there might be a few gems hidden in the plethora of turds that fill up its library.
  8. Agree with the Nintendo choices in here. I’d also throw in a vote for Epic. Unreal Engine 5 is being used by plenty of companies for development.
  9. They’ll all suck anyways. MS is a trash first party developer.
  10. Yes, it’s completely self-contained for the most part.
  11. Andor is really, really good. Best Disney SW stuff to date and some of the best stuff since the OT. Performances, writing, and cinematography are all top notch and it feels so grounded and much more interesting than all the Jedi stuff we’ve seen so far. Highly recommended to anyone who’s watched anything Star Wars. Hard to choose between this and Star Trek Strange New Worlds but this might end up being my favorite show of the year.
  12. Do we even have official number of subscribers?
  13. So essentially nothing confirmed officially, you’re begging and will somehow think you can claim victory when the port hits 18+months after it launched.
  14. 4 episodes into Andor. This is some good Star Wars stuff and I’ve been told it only gets better.
  15. USA still yet to lose to England in a WC match. Win against Iran and they’re in.
  16. And GameFreak will never change because sheep bought 10+ million copies already. Franchise could be so much more too.
  17. Every single Crackdown and State of Decay game.
  18. In terms of SW lore, Twilight Princess honestly. 8.8 was big.
  19. This is easily the best team Kyle Shanahan has had yet. We better win the Super Bowl.
  20. McVay on the hot seat next year.
  21. The White Lotus S2 has been excellent. I love this show honestly and hyped it’s renewed for another season.
  22. Just picked it up today. Had to wade through the neckbeard sheep all getting Pokémon today.
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