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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Some AAA developers should take note that when you release quality products that you get quality reception. Looking at you Bethesda.
  2. It’s cel shaded. It’ll look fine with my just some moderate downgrades in textures. It’ll be fine. It’s going to sell bucketloads in Japan.
  3. I played a mean game of Guess Who last night against my daughter. She won.
  4. Of course lemons would make a thread about Switch. It’s their favorite Xbox One exclusive
  5. There’s been a recent new trademark for P5U by them. So that’d make sense.
  6. Wait are Lems trying to claim ownage over RDR2? Fucking hell, it’s not even exclusive. But teh best version
  7. Tetris Effect is incredible. It’s a game I keep coming back to. It’s a great stress reliever.
  8. I rewatched Hostel last night since my gf had never seen it, and I actually really like the first two films. Eli Roth is fantastic at atmosphere, cinematography and world building. His dialogue and character development is just plain bad especially in the early sections. I’m going to watch Part 2 with her soon and I think that one is better than the first.
  9. Ball gags and restraints are fun bro. Try it sometime.
  10. BOTW, MK8D, and Odyssey have been in the top ten consistently since release. I imagine the adoption rate of those games is 70-80%.
  11. Dom/Sub is fun. Just gagging her up and just doing what you like. Current gf can’t get enough of that shit.
  12. Let me guess the vanilla one was probably the best looking one too?
  13. Finally got to play a couple more hours of God of War. I’ve been working since Friday and don’t get a day off until Christmas Day. Game owns and once you can start getting the combos down, it becomes so satisfying. I love the crit kills that you can get. So gory and brutal.
  14. Then probably best just to go no contact man if you don’t work together. Fuck it, you have no real obligation since you’re not married. I can’t imagine the relationship(s) have been longer than a few months. Is the sex that good?
  15. I love practical shit like clothes, jackets, socks, and I would always go crazy for new underwear. I also enjoy tech gadgets of any kind.
  16. That’s been Sony’s strategy since PS1. Let Nintendo do all the innovation in gaming and then Sony just copies them.
  17. I love how the GOP/Libertarians/Evangelicals all want limited government and are all about personal liberty but are the Party always pushing legislation telling people what to do with their own bodies. I can agree that getting it done before 18 shouldn’t be a thing. Hell the human mind isn’t completely developed until 25. But seriously guys, who cares? How many transgender people have negatively affected your way of life? I hate tribalism and I’ve been trying to tone it down but Jesus, the right always seems outraged at things that are so inconsequential to their everyday life.
  18. So they’re just trying to copy Nintendo (Switch) again after they have runaway success in Japan ala PSP, motion control, etc.?
  19. Meh, it’s just normal teenage angst as far as I can tell. In case you forgot, teenagers love labels and want to feel apart of a group. Just seems like this is the new thing, like getting your hair colored unnatural colors in the 00s was taboo Everyone has the right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness and if not having a dick makes them that way then whatever unless they just happen to be a dick. The paranoia over a place where people dispose bodily fluids is the dumbest shit to be concerned about.
  20. Because they have 3 AAA titles to publicize next year. There’s no need to push the new hardware until after TLOU2 comes out.
  21. Forgot that Sony isn’t doing E3 but yeah I still think the timeline holds. They have enough power to carry them through next year with PS4.
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