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Everything posted by Ike

  1. GameFreak are F-tier level Devs but the core gameplay will always attract millions. Look how active Pokémon Go still is. It’s easily Nintendo’s second biggest franchise behind Mario and may even have surpassed it at this point. Pretty much anybody who’s alive would recognize pikachu much like Mario at this point. Such a shame too because this franchise under a competent developer could be incredible. Still holding out that one day we get a true AAA Pokémon mmo game.
  2. Tried out Bowser’s Fury. It’s honestly a lot of fun and feels like what Odyssey should’ve been. It’s a perfect mix of 3D World and Odyssey. More structure, you know how many Sprites are in each world. Just overall a better experience. Excited for the next one in the franchise that’s more than likely launching with Switch 2.
  3. Nah, I think Xbox One is a bigger flop. MS was poised to really compete with Sony after 360 but the press going into E3 was all bad and Sony clowned them. They haven’t recovered since.
  4. They primaried out the Republican in Washington who voted to impeach and replaced her with a Trumper in Washington. The GOP was supposed to win easily and lost to Democrat. The party is splintered at this point and 2024 will be worse with Trump already insulting DeSantis. Also, Ben Sharpio is a fucking moron who has never made a good point beyond saying he never gets his wife wet. But it’s expected that you’d watch that dbag.
  5. https://newrepublic.com/post/168785/nearly-every-republican-tulsi-gabbard-endorsed-lost-midterm-election-2022 Cocke
  6. Those Persona 5 numbers probably 95% Switch since it’s already on GP. Also Neir top 20’d with its debut on Switch. Hardware might be down but it’s still the majority of the top 20.
  7. Seahawks lose, Cowboys lose, and Niners win. Pretty much the best a football day can be.
  8. Bethesda is one of the most overrated and unproductive studios around. Their games take forever and are buggy, boring pieces of shit. Starfield definitely looks to keep that tradition. Good luck getting TESVI before 2030 as well.
  9. Yeah, an empire ruled Galaxy was something I was excited about since it was the timeline that hadn’t been really explored. Excited to watch.
  10. Was waiting for it to finish. I saw it was 12 episodes. I’ve heard amazing things though. So excited to watch.
  11. Very, super duper gay. Kinda feels like it’s a giant euphemism for AIDS in the 80s.
  12. All games on your Series S are last gen games.
  13. First episode was interesting. Going to keep watching. My girl has watched every season. That Black Pill episodes last year were good until the last episode.
  14. @-GD-X Season 11 of American Horror Story started btw. It’s about 80s gay culture in NYC.
  15. I like having a viewable display so physical till I die.
  16. It’s Abandoned probably if I’d to put money on something.
  17. @madmaltese Are you playing in 1st person or 3rd person mode?
  18. If it’s a Sunday night HBO show, it’ll be good. They generally don’t put out duds.
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