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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Jesus, lemcels get one game and think they’ve won SW. When in reality, this is the first AAA (not exclusive) that they’ve had since the last Forza
  2. Aza’s spring 2019 PS5 launch looking more and more likely by the day
  3. Making a Murderer Season 2 dropping on Netflix this month. I’m sad with Halloween we didn’t get Season 4 of Black Mirror.
  4. Getting Tetris Effect and Beat Saber when they come out for sure. Astro Bot and Deracine are maybes.
  5. I should say it's great except for goddamn traffic.
  6. I do agree that things are pretty great in this state. It's a fantastic place to live.
  7. Just start a coke habit and never be fat.
  8. Washington has it's own problems. Median house price in King County is over $1 million. So yes it's still a problem in this state. The $15/hr minimum wage is a good start but the ever rising rents are offsetting that gain and that wage is only in Seattle proper.
  9. Income inequality has never been greater though due to no real salary growth in 40 years. "Recasting the 2012 income using the 1979 income distribution, the bottom 99% of families would have averaged about $7,100 more income" https://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/13/business/rethinking-the-income-gap-and-a-college-education.html
  10. Fans have been able to play DMC 5 at TGS 2018 this week, which led Gamespot to notice that players can pay real world money to purchase the series' in-game currency, red orbs. Also revealed via a PlayStation Store listing spotted by Devilmaycry.org, the game will have multiplayer for 2 to 3 players. Itsuno was asked for comment by Eurogamer but stayed tight-lipped, only saying, “wait and see,” and, “…we have designed this game specifically to make the best single-player experience we can.”
  11. Warring tribes isn't the same as the government making it a law that a tribe has to move from the land they've been on forever that lead to 8000 natives dying.
  12. And subjugation of people of color because they looked different. Hell, a lot the native population of North America were just flat out murdered.
  13. Growing the species in numbers =/= Advancing a species genetically.
  14. "How on earth does genetic variation and mixing of genes in any way, shape or form grow humanity as a species?" Millions of years of evolution prove that point.
  15. You really have no idea how natural selection or evolution work do you?
  16. Anything other than a flat no here is the wrong answer. You're just trying to justify your racism. No, we shouldn't breed animals for show. Inbreeding has led to so many health problems. Look at bulldogs, pugs, etc. Let's keep a genetic line pure is called eugenics and was again, heavily promoted by Nazis. Genetic variation and mixing of genes is what helps homo sapiens grow as a species.
  17. You didn't answer my question. Do you think one genetic makeup is superior to the other?
  18. And does that matter at all in the grand scheme of things? Is one genetic makeup superior to the other? (Keep in mind we share over 99% of our genetic makeup as a mouse)
  19. Do you think a person who comes from a mixed race background is an inferior human than an all-white child?
  20. Race is something that just happened over years of evolution because the human race moved out of Africa and adapted to different climates. Acting like white genes and black genes are somehow different is a fucking horrible way of thinking and shows your incredible ignorance of genetics. Also, still incredibly racist, you can justify it anyway you want, but everything you've said is still blatant racism.
  21. Neither is diluting a race fuckwad, people are people redardless of how much melanin there skin produces. The fact that you think it dilutes it, which by definition means to make something weaker, implies you think whites are superior. You're just confirming what a racist asshole you are.
  22. Nah, they'll probably look back on this like Regan and reminisce about how great it was.
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