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Everything posted by Ike

  1. It’s not a bad game especially for being free to play. There’s a lot to do and explore. I had a fun time with it when I played for a little around launch. The gacha aspect in this is pretty big though especially if you want specific characters.
  2. Oh and the game on mobile alone has generated $3.7 billion in revenue in its 2 years since launch.
  3. https://www.ign.com/articles/microsoft-regretted-missing-out-genshin-impact-xbox-exclusive
  4. Since Wii, GC had some amazing visuals for its time and N64 was more powerful than PS1. Remember playing REmake for the first time?
  5. The carpet being pulled too on most 3000 series cards. Probably could see 3060 type performance which would be more than fine for hybrid console doing 1080p.
  6. Shame most complaints are just technical. Probably would have been another perfect 10 with modern day tech. Still, getting this.
  7. My theory is Nintendo planned to release a more powerful Switch along with the OLED screen but COVID and the worldwide chip shortage put them behind schedule. Guessing a new one next holiday with the new mainline Mario at launch.
  8. Yeah why enjoy AAAs when we could get be playing that 5.0 banger DioField?
  9. Back to back AAAe in as many weeks for Switch. Nice.
  10. One if from Phantasy Star Online 2 and the other is from Sonic guess which is which?
  11. Brendan one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. Heard this got a long standing ovation when it premiered at film festival. Can’t wait to watch.
  12. S-E hasn’t assembled a team like this in a long time. 16 going to be special.
  13. I think the foundation is strong enough to carry Bloober through this. UE5 is fucking gorgeous and the OST will be 🔥. I’m honestly excited to see where this project goes. With RE4 tomorrow, feels like survival horror is back.
  14. 3.5 year head start, two generations, and it can’t even beat a handheld.
  15. @Remij Looks she was given a raise but she was asking for 6 figs and residuals. Who’s the real greedy one? Imagine turning down $15k for at most 5 days worth of work?
  16. If you never played it, you should. It’s top tier 3D Mario. I liked it better than Odyssey. The postgame levels are some of the best in the franchise.
  17. I think there are more backups than startups in the game for the Niners defense currently.
  18. Forget that, he probably hasn’t talked to a real woman socially in years. Using beta cuck without any shred of irony. Probably watches Andrew Tate.
  19. Any comparisons you can make? It reminded me a lot of Prey 2006.
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