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Everything posted by Ike

  1. It doesnt take balls to go kill innocent people for rich white old men. especially since you get paid for it, moron. The Veteran romanticism is disgusting. I hope you fucking get hit by a bus.
  2. So, RE: Revelations is actually pretty awesome. The setting is awesome and it does call back to the original's creepiness and sense of suffocating with the cruise ship setting.
  3. SSFIV StarCraft 2 Beta I still need to beat: NSMB Wii
  4. Here is the new sheep sanctuary: http://www.systemwars.com/forums/showbans.php :D:D
  5. All our hate will go towards you. No one hates me. Shit, we're gonna be extinct soon Clearacell, jehurey, and I will always be here.
  6. The Sanctuary is going to be pretty quiet for a while.
  7. All our hate will go towards you. No one hates me.
  8. ROFL I'll be one of the few sheep left
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