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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Survival horror in VR is the only way to experience the genre at its best anymore.
  2. Nope, not upgrading until they switch to USB-C. Still fine with my XR.
  3. Andor will be good. From the Rogue One team. Also, a cool time they’ve never explored really in the universe with empire ruling the galaxy before the Death Star.
  4. So really Grounded full release, Scorn, and multiplats for the rest of the year. Am I missing something?
  5. I guess maybe too close to Parasite Eve? (I mistakenly called it that today lol)
  6. Lmfao he’ll probably die of shock from the incoming alcohol withdraws.
  7. Can Rare give us the OG Conker on N64 please along with the original MP w/online? The Live and Reloaded version was trash in comparison beyond the obvious visual upgrade.
  8. They never called it BOTW2. Just had it labeled as Sequel to BOTW. That was never the official title.
  9. Or the Wind Waker/Twilight Princess ports. Thought for sure it’d be a shoe in given the delay. Oh well. One of their weaker Directs but early 2023 doesn’t look terrible. Fatal Frame still my favorite announcement. Looks like we’re getting a mix of BOTW world with Skyward Sword world. Exploring vertically like that will be fun. But please bring back dungeons.
  10. That’s already confirmed. Xbox is even getting it.
  11. Fatal Frame from Wii coming west is my favorite announcement so far.
  12. They have the worst events too. People on stage awkwardly talking about shit no one cares about.
  13. I also really am anxious for the next mainline Mario game. It’s been 5 years since the last one. Feels like this is the longest it’s ever been between releases. I bet it’s a Switch 2 launch title though.
  14. More FFVIIR Part 2 and FFXVI as well then.
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