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Everything posted by Ike

  1. EA can only improve really. Bottom tier developer who's only good game really in the last 5 years is Fallen Order.
  2. Another last place finish for Xbox. Only time they didn’t was still 2nd to PS2 their first go round.
  3. Being against racism is being "woke"
  4. Which economists? On Fox Business or Fox News? Those poor banks and load sharks. Won't you think of them?!
  5. Can't wait until it's on PS Plus for the month to play it.
  6. Just finished up S1 just a few moments ago. I’ll get around to S2 later. I had a lot of fun with the show.
  7. Honestly more excited for info on Harvestella. Game looks awesome. Thank you for the info.
  8. Story and writing do looks bad. Combat/traversal does look like a lot of fun. Also, those particle effects are impressive af.
  9. Evangelical Christians the most vile people around. Truly the least "Jesus" type of people I've ever encountered.
  10. Imagine being this much for fascism. Pretty sure most of the Founding Fathers this ass is talking about were only a few years older than 18 when they wrote the declaration of independence.
  11. My only concern is the single player. Nintendo has been so bad about that this gen. Most the sports game have been so lackluster.
  12. One of my biggest gaming shames is never playing this franchise ever. Looking forward to this. Not watching anything.
  13. Yeah looks good. I have just one question though:
  14. Oh shit, just think it's my work filter for no gaming sites.
  15. Protag looks like fgt. but enemy design is solid. Gameplay pretty much Bloodborne clone though as is most of the game.
  16. I thought the same and on the other hand The Calisto Protocol seemed rougher than the last time and almost exactly like Dead Space gameplay. Also, WTF with Subnautica dev's 40k rip-off. One of the biggest disappointments all year. The Souls clone looked decent but the protag looked super gay lmaooo Otherwise, didn't see much else I was interested.
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