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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Maybe, maybe when Starfield comes next year Xbox will have a chance but with GOW coming around holiday, Xbox will remain dead last for the remainder of 2022.
  2. Xbox really going to push those numbers with all those great upcoming 2022 releases like......
  3. White Christian Nationalism is nothing but Fascism 2.0
  4. Yep, means Xbox will be in dead last for years to come now.
  5. WTF is this even supposed to mean? That the GOP can't win real open democratic elections?
  6. I just want a next-gen proper DOA game already.
  7. You live a train ride from Monte Carlo dude, why would you ever want to come stateside for Vegas of all places?
  8. It is, I enjoy seeing all the architecture and there's plenty of fun shit that doesn't involve gambling and drinking. It's just very overpriced for the most part IMO. I have family who lives there.
  9. I can go swimming in natural hot springs or the beach on a day trip where I live and bring a bottle that would cost as much as 2 drinks at a bar in Vegas.
  10. I mostly vape and I smoke outside my home. I don't want the constant skunk smell dude. Like I said, there's much better places to vacation then a monument to excess in the middle of desert. I know plenty of people enjoy it, but I can just play poker at my local card place.
  11. Played a few courses on Kirby and The Forgotten Land this weekend. Game is charming af. The level design while easy, still provides some challenge with the bonuses. The music is great and it's so colorful with superb art direction. Will be playing more.
  12. Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5
  13. I've never liked Vegas all that much. Drinking is cheaper at home, the constant smell of smoke and now pot. There's just better ways to spend my money/vacation time.
  14. Given the major absence of GTAVI and any real major release until GoW, I think this could do well commercially with the casual market.
  15. We all know about the disaster of GOT S8 and the finale but House of the Dragon got off to a solid start. It feels self-contained enough that the events that will follow don't have much to do with what we'll witness here. The characters all seem great, the performances are good, plot seems like it will be interesting, composer still the best on TV right now, plus all the themes and political drama is fully in swing. So, I'll be tuning in weekly. It helps they got off on the right foot with the director from Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards, and Winds of Winter pretty much the GOAT episodes of
  16. And MS have all those great titles to help push units this fall/winter...
  17. Dude Wednesday's always been like that. Remember when she took over the camp in Addam's Family Values and she ties the main white girl to a stake and lights a match.
  18. I mean we know prominent conservative Matt Gaetz paid minors for sex. They just want to do that now without any problems and trap the girls into relationships since they'll be desperate with a child. Just more incel shit.
  19. Using the ol' strawman argument to make them scared of an imaginary boogeyman when actually that stat means none are getting in.
  20. My SMTV hasn't even been opened yet.
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