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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Cool, she cute and all but maybe not call your potential future wife a bitch?
  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/08/16/trump-lawyers-fbi-raid/ Not one reputable attorney wants to represent Trump. He hired an insurance attorney who was an OAN anchor.
  3. Yeah the party that hosted a racist dictator sure isn’t racist at all.
  4. Digital services revenue has been continually on a decline for MS per their earnings reports and Lemji in here trying to say Slimepass doing great.
  5. Twinblade being really defensive of his man crush Fucker Tarlson and all the white supremacists. Hint: If 2 people sit down at a table and talk with 2 white supremacists, there are now 4 white supremacists at a table.
  6. Trubisky so good he didn't even play last year as a backup and now expect him to be starter. Sure Ben was old AF, but this hardly what I'd consider an upgrade. Should have at least traded for Jimmy G.
  7. Blue Storm was fucking amazing especially since it was a launch title for GCN 21 years ago. I really wish they'd make a new one.
  8. You mean a 2 time NFL champion? Get fucking real. Trubisky is terrible. He was a top draft choice and couldn't even stay at the same team.
  9. God Tucker Carlson needs a fucking punch in his goddamn smug face. What an absolute waste of resources that sack of shit is.
  10. The ones who should be worrying about going 0-6 in the division is the Steelers. Imagine starting Mitchell Trubisky.
  11. We were a dropped INT away from the Super Bowl fgt. Not like the Steelers who got SMACKED in the playoffs and actually WERE lucky to be there in the first place.
  12. 49ers easily the top choice in the NFC, but it will be another battle though with LA. Packers suck in the playoffs and are overrated by a cake division. I don't really see any other team in the conference coming close though honestly. Cowboys will entertain but fail to do anything meaningful per the norm, I expect Philly to compete for the division and could be the one dark horse in the NFC. AFC will be Bills or Chiefs. They are two of top 5 teams in the whole league and should both make the AFC title game.
  13. Enjoyed the Saul finale a lot. Thankful we got 14 years of this wonderful universe and brilliant creative, writing, and directing team. It was a wonderful journey. The little thanking thing with the actors at the end was nice too.
  14. He'd definitely be a Proud Boy if he wasn't gay. We have those same type of conservatives here in the PNW like he does up in BC in the more rural areas of Washington. He parrots all the popular conservative talking heads.
  15. Dude, we all know the case where Fox News really argued that Tucker Carlson (incel and fascist hero) argued that it's "entertainment" and not "news" and that no one with critical thinking skills would take him seriously. 24hr news networks should exist all together (CNN, MSNBC both have glaring issues as well) but Fox News really is a literal propaganda station for the GOP.
  16. President can't take marijuana off the schedule 1 drug list via executive order. Needs to be an act of congress.
  17. The narrative this week is "Lower the temperature" as if they're preemptively attempting to soften what is probably going to be some big revelations emerging soon.
  18. Here's another easy reason to hate them and their entertainment network masquerading as "news". I was trying to read their take on what Trump said after the raid as the headline I clicked on was pretty softball. Also, it outplays videos/audio. Garbage website ran by garbage people with garbage values and ideas and even more garbage viewers who watch the garbage in the first place.
  19. I got up to deaf guy episode. I think I have 3 more for season 1 myself. Will finish this week.
  20. Says the person waiting 14 years now for Bloodborne on PC. Demon's Souls isn't even there yet either. Enjoy the wait playing Slimepass while PlayStation owners get to experience peak gaming.
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